HKILF Summertime Recap / August Newsletter
Event Postponed:
HKILF Illustrated 2024
Due to unforeseen circumstances our event scheduled for Nov 14-17 2024 will be postponed until late February. We apologise for the inconvenience and very much look forward to hosting all who are able to join us for what promises to be a vibrant and exciting lineup of visual storytelling events. Exact date will be confirmed later, please stay tuned!
HKILF Summertime Recap
HKILF Summertime 2024, a five-day event, showcased three rising literary stars: Mirinae Lee, Pim Wangtechawat, and Sheung-King. The authors discussed their acclaimed new works and publishing journeys at the Hong Kong Book Fair. A vibrant Lunch Panel with Hong Kong Shifts and a cozy Literary Lounge enabled book lovers to mingle and network. In two motivating workshops, aspiring writers learned about the craft of autofiction and character development.
Mirinae Lee kicked off our summer events with a fascinating conversation about the making of her debut novel 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster. We were happy to partner with the Hong Kong Book Fair once again.
Our Literary Lounge featuring Pim Wangtechawat, at Eaton House, was a highlight as it gathered so many friends and supporters. All our speakers were available to sign books and the room was abuzz with book talk and ideas for future events and collaborations.
Writers looking for support were happy to join our workshops, Sheung-King shared his in-depth knowledge on auto-fiction and Pim Wangtechawat helped with character building.
Our lunch panel included all our speakers and was a great way to spend the afternoon, full of reading recommendations. Cynthia Cheng and Maxime Vanhollebeke also introduced their recently published book, HK Shifts: Stories From the Streets of Hong Kong.
View the reel for the exciting details about Lunch Panel Event:
HK Shifts Book Launch
From sampan ladies and bamboo scaffolders to street cleaners, fishermen, security guards and market vendors – these workers form the backbone of the fast-paced metropolis of Hong Kong, yet they are often overlooked or taken for granted. Looking beyond the glamorous harbourfront, neon-lit shopping districts and dramatic skyline, Hong Kong Shifts explores the back alleys to meet and learn from the individuals who work tirelessly to keep the city ticking. These are stories and portraits of resilience, wisdom, positivity and strength from the streets of Hong Kong.
Published in July 2024 by Blacksmith Books, the hardcover book is bilingual (English and Cantonese) and presents a selection of colourful human stories from across Hong Kong. These stories have been collected since 2019 throughout the pandemic and document a unique chapter of Hong Kong’s history – paying tribute to this city and its people. The book is now available in bookstores across Hong Kong. More information about the book and where to get a copy here.
India by the Bay
India by the Bay is the only annual, week-long showcase of Indian arts, culture and heritage in Hong Kong. Each year, the festival captures the essence of India and its diversity, presenting an array of music, dance, theater, film, literature, wellness, fashion, and cuisine. For almost ten years, India by the Bay has acted as a cultural conduit, captivating and engaging the people of Hong Kong, while encouraging dialogue and partnerships. The festival is co-presented by the Asia Society Hong Kong Center. Now in its ninth edition, India by the Bay continues to emphasize the arts as a vibrant medium for fostering connections. A notable feature this year is a collaboration with the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, marking the first occasion that HKILF and India by the Bay have united to introduce esteemed authors and storytellers from across the globe to Hong Kong. Stay tuned for further updates!
Communication is Key
A special thank you to our PR partner, Amara Communications, who work tirelessly to reach as many people as possible with news of our events. In the 3 years we’ve been working with them, we have increased our coverage and our media contacts to bring the joy of reading to a wider audience and we look forward to many more years of successful collaboration.
夏日活動 2024
準備好迎接多個精彩夏日活動!7 月 19 日至 23 日,香港國際文學節邀請 3 位優秀的年輕作家參與講座、午餐、雞尾酒活動和工作坊,與你分享創作心得和推薦精選讀物,為這個夏日注入閱讀的活力。
✏️Pim Wangtechawat 來自曼谷,2023 年出道作《The Moon Represents My Heart》講述了具有時間旅行能力的華裔英國家庭跨越邊境,尋求愛與聯繫的故事。小說即將改编為 Netflix 劇集。
✏️Mirinae Lee 在首爾長大,她的小說《8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster》靈感來自她的姑母:最年長的女性脫北者之一。故事講述了這個非凡的人物和她的家人在韓戰中為生存而奮鬥的故事。作品入圍 2024 年女性小說獎和 2024 年威爾伯·史密斯冒險寫作獎。
✏️Sheung-King 在溫哥華出生,成長於香港。他的作品關注移民華僑的經歷和內心世界,出道作品《You are Eating an Orange. You are Naked》 被《環球郵報》評為年度最佳新書出道作,即將由 Fluent Films 改編成電影。最新作品《Batshit Seven》融合科技和文學,書內穿插二維碼和hashtag,實驗性十足。
門票已於 Eventbrite 發售!
香港國際文學節 2024 圓滿落幕
香港國際文學節 2024 歷時一週,在 3 月初圓滿結束。本屆文學節共舉辦了 190 場活動,吸引了 1927 名熱情讀者的參與,共邀請 65 位演講嘉賓,其中包括 20 位國際知名作家。
講 座
熱門職業 podcast 《Working It》 主持人 Isabel Berwick 推出她的最新著作《The Future-Proof Career》,在開幕講座中,她分享如何應對不斷變化的職場環境,並在職業生涯中實現長遠成功。
來自澳洲的得獎作家 Diana Reid 和 Ronnie Scott 在早餐對談中為讀者帶來了精彩討論,探討文學中塑造複雜女性角色的方式。Diana 在另一場午餐活動中也分享了她在疫情期間創作出的第一部小說以及其中的核心議題,如:自我實現、慾望、愛與家庭。
澳洲芭蕾舞團藝術總監 David McAllister 與來自香港芭蕾舞團的 Septime Weber 對談,為觀眾們揭露華麗的芭蕾表演幕後的辛酸點滴,以及演出中意外受傷的痛苦。David著有作品《Ballet Confidential》,他在週末的講座中深入而生動地分享了他作為國際知名舞者的職業生涯。
作家 Ritu Hemnani 的最新作品《Lion of the Sky》在文學節活動中首度曝光。講座中,她與觀眾分享了自己從中學英語老師到登上 TEDxTinHauWomen 演講台的經歷,以及她從業餘寫作愛好者逐步蛻變為專業作家的過程。
中華料理源遠流長,著名美食作家兼廚師扶霞 (Fuchsia Dunlop) 通過兩場引人入勝的講座,幫助美食愛好者們深入了解全球最複雜美食背後的文化。扶霞曾在四川烹飪高等專科學校接受廚師培訓,並憑藉所著的《Invitation to a Banquet》贏得了眾多讀者和美食愛好者的喜愛。
工 作 坊
愛丁堡大學古生物學家 Steve Brusatte 教授在週六早晨舉辦了一場親子工作坊,與孩子和家長們一起使用羽毛和圖版來探索恐龍世界,打造屬於他們的獨特想像空間。
定居香港的瑞典藝術家 Andreas Von Buddenbrock 用鉛筆和墨水筆勾勒出迷人的自然風景,親身指導參與者完成簡單的鋼筆畫作品,現場充滿趣味。
澳大利亞兒童及青少年文學作家 Tristan Bancks 和香港教育初創公司 Press Start Academy 的創始人 Vince Siu 一同探討科技與科幻及奇幻作品的交融;四位傑出的女性作家:Siobhan McDermott、Jessixa Bagley、Ritu Hemnani 和 Dora Tsang 在座談會上為懷揣創作並出版兒童文學夢想的新手作家們提供了珍貴的建議。
本屆香港國際文學節與全球掃盲組織 Room to Read 合作舉辦國際婦女節午餐活動,邀請到越南裔作家 Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai 博士帶領聽眾探索她的創作過程和富有使命感的作品,並現場展示了傳統越南歌唱。
感謝所有香港國際文學節 2024 的參與者,期待下一屆文學節再相會!